Monday 3 November 2008


they walked a long way...
long hard path, twisted up and down...
finally, the end is close...

smile spread on their faces...
one glance at each other, they ran towards the glory...
like victory after a long tough war...
like caged bird finally set free...
like warm sunshine after cold dark winter...

tears of joy...
embracement of happiness...
life's too short... but they survived...
too excited to say anything,
they just hugged...
patting each other,
dancing in circles...

it's not the end, they knew...
it's the beginning of a new journey...
still, they celebrated, for overcoming this obstacle together...

wait...he said...
he felt the sunlight, touching gently on his face...
eyes closed... he enjoyed the warmth...
peace... one moment of true calmness before the next run...
before they move on...

and life just keeps on running...
inspired by 'Then you look at me'
dance, choreographed by Mia Michael, so you think you can dance season 3

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