Wednesday 22 October 2008

~MistAke uNdon3~

'...people are terrible, to the people they love sometimes..
they are mean,
even both were going through a really hard time,
you took it out on one another,
it doesn't fun,
but it is what people do...
it doesn't make you the worst person in the world,
it just make you, a person who...
just make a mistake'

this was said by Izzie in Grey's Anatomy...

we all make mistake, extensively, slightly; small ones, big ones...
some mistakes enough to kill a person, some mistakes enough to hurt a person till he decided not to live. Doctor's mistake kills a person, mistakes in words hurt a person. But it happens all the time... No one is saint, no one can ever escape the faith of hurting another one, in a good way, or in a bad way..

and i think the most important thing here is that, although we hurt someone, it doesn't always mean that we are terrible... we are just doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.. and, the only way to make things right, is to correct what we had apologize, to forgive, to love again, to embrace the others... there's no such thing as, too late, and, never be too hesitated to do anything to make it right again.)

be the one to love, not to hate;
to forgive, not to blame;
to say, 'i love you',
even when the other did something very bad to you...
for a mistake made, it's only a point in life...
but love... it's forever...

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