Monday 27 October 2008

~tHe tRue SeLf~

got used to being alone...
abandoned, ignored...
she traveled, through space and time...
for the place, where she could belong to...

different... not trying to...
she was different...
no place suits her more, than her own little world...
a corner... no one would ever step onto...

lingering around... trying to fit in...
she stood, in the middle of the crowd...
looking at every face passed by...
staring into eyes that pinned on her...
sarcastic... contempting...

reaching out.... reaching in....
holding out... holding in...

bullied... hurt...
still she kept trying...
attempting to be like others...

until one day... she no longer recognized herself...
thick make up, shiny clothes...
big earrings with branded bags...
high heels...
she never felt that lost before...
and never that lonely before...

she stood... looking into the mirror...
deep into the hazel eyes...
and saw...
the true her... sitting at the corner...

why need to be someone else...
everyone is special...
God makes us the way we are to be...
and i'm proud of it... she whispered...

this, is me...

she has never been happier...
she knew, one day she would find her heaven...
her destiny...

be yourself~~
inspired by 'elsewhere'
sang by Bethany Joy Lenz, One Tree Hill season 1


Ben said...

yes. indeed we r all unique. just like everyone else... muhahahaah

~fall3n ang3l~ said...

well, of course in some way, we will always find the common similarities.. n that's how we get attached to this someone in our life, and at the same time, be fascinated to his/her unique qualities..))